Friday 29 August 2008

End of August

Well, I got loads of gardening done, despite a few wet days. Not as much as I wanted to, but I did get a lot of cutting back done, and progress has been made.

My theory is that if I get the garden as up to date as I can by the autumn, there should be less to do next spring. I don't think I've ever got this far with it before. I'm only showing you the best bits, LOL.

On a completely different subject, I've been making dishcloths. I've only ever made dishcloths to give away before, but I'm always hearing about how much better home-made ones are, so I crocheted some for my kitchen.

These are all made from old Leisure Arts patterns I had. They were so quick to make that it won't matter too much when they get dirty and wear out, because I can always make another. Only a utilitarian thing, but I like them. At least, I like the look of them - I don't think I've ever used a dishcloth this thick and chunky before! I suppose knitted ones would seem thinner.

I've also been doing some quilting . . .

. . . which I'll show you properly when it's finished.